Daily Telegraph Front Page 15th of December 2022
Telegraph front page warns of longer walkouts that could affect end-of-life care.
Telegraph front page warns of longer walkouts that could affect end-of-life care.
According to the Express, 52% of voters support striking nurses.
The Times also leads with the tragic deaths of four migrants in the Channel.
While the postal strike is ongoing, the Star says foxes and rodents are eating Christmas parcels piling up in postal depots.
On its front page, The Mirror pledges its support for striking nurses
The Guardian’s front page features an article condemning police for victim-blaming in rape cases. It also highlights the “persistent failures” of the criminal justice system.
A sinking ship in the Channel features on the front page of the i.
According to the Metro, Zara Aleena’s killer was freed from jail nine days before the attack.
According to the Financial Times, the Federal Reserve will continue to squeeze the US economy by raising interest rates by half a point.