Daily Telegraph Front Page 19th of December 2022
Strikes are likely to keep elderly patients stuck in hospitals after they are fit for discharge.
Strikes are likely to keep elderly patients stuck in hospitals after they are fit for discharge.
There could be two-hour queues at passport control and delays as disembarking passengers are held on planes due to a Border Force strike.
There is a willingness on the part of nurses to compromise over their pay demands, according to the Daily Express.
Gary Neville’s comparison of striking British workers to Qatari migrants leads The Daily Mail.
According to the Guardian, Tesco workers in Thailand are trapped in forced labor as they make jeans for the retailer.
According to the Daily Star, sleeping with your pet dog is not a good idea.
In the Daily Mirror, unions warn that the Tories are risking lives by not averting upcoming NHS strikes.
One paramedic told The i that he was stuck outside a hospital for more than eight hours with 11 ambulances waiting in front of him. Delayed 999 call response times are costing lives, the i reports.
Soldiers are not “spare capacity” during strikes, according to the head of the armed forces.
The Financial Times reports that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly through Chinese cities, causing disruptions and shortages.