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The Daily Telegraph also leads on what it calls the “overhaul” of the contact tracing system. It says under new plans, councils will be given dedicated “ring-fenced teams” from the national service to help with community virus tracing – which will involve local workers tracking down anyone who cannot be reached by national call centres after 48 hours. Separately, the front page pictures Steve Easterbrook, formerly chief executive of McDonald’s, who is being sued by the fast-food chain for £35m in severance pay. McDonald’s alleges that the Briton had relationships with three colleagues and accused him of lying about them.

Daily Telegraph Front Page 27th of July 2024

French authorities are investigating the potential involvement of far-left groups and possible Kremlin connections in the pre-dawn arson attacks that disrupted the transport infrastructure ahead of the Paris Olympics, raising concerns over the safety and security of the upcoming Games.

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