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The Daily Telegraph says No 10 is “under escalating pressure” to follow the lead of the Scottish government in ensuring all A-level pupils in England receive their predicted grades on Thursday. Scotland’s Education Secretary John Swinney performed a U-turn on Tuesday, announcing that about 125,000 results – awarded last week for the Scottish equivalents of GCSEs and A-levels – would be replaced with teachers’ recommendations after an outcry. The paper also quotes critics who say No 10’s “triple lock” plan does not go far enough. Its front page also reports on the “tell-all” biography of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Finding Freedom, which was published on Tuesday.

Daily Telegraph Front Page 27th of July 2024

French authorities are investigating the potential involvement of far-left groups and possible Kremlin connections in the pre-dawn arson attacks that disrupted the transport infrastructure ahead of the Paris Olympics, raising concerns over the safety and security of the upcoming Games.

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