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As A-level students complain of being failed by the government’s marking system, the Daily Telegraph’s splash focuses on claims by the exam regulator that some teachers submitted “implausibly high” predicted grades. The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) told the paper that while most teachers entered accurate estimates, some put forward wildly high grades, citing one centre “which submitted all A* and A grades students in two subjects, where previously there had been normal distribution”. Sources close to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said there would be no Scottish-style U-turn on downgraded results, but one backbencher told the paper that he should “hang his head in shame and resign”.

Daily Telegraph Front Page 27th of July 2024

French authorities are investigating the potential involvement of far-left groups and possible Kremlin connections in the pre-dawn arson attacks that disrupted the transport infrastructure ahead of the Paris Olympics, raising concerns over the safety and security of the upcoming Games.

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