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The Daily Telegraph reports that the “ineffective and hated” system of isolation for those who have come into contact with a Covid case will be scrapped in January in favour of daily testing. Contacts of those who have tested positive for the virus will be asked to undergo daily tests for a week and permitted to carry on with their lives in the meantime, the paper adds. The hope from officials is that people will be more likely to comply with the quick tests than to quarantine for 14 days. The new system of repeat testing will be piloted in Liverpool from Monday. Also, pubs and restaurants will bear the brunt of the new tier system so shops, cinemas and gyms can reopen, the paper says the PM is due to announce.

Daily Telegraph Front Page 27th of July 2024

French authorities are investigating the potential involvement of far-left groups and possible Kremlin connections in the pre-dawn arson attacks that disrupted the transport infrastructure ahead of the Paris Olympics, raising concerns over the safety and security of the upcoming Games.

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