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The Guardian’s splash leads with a warning from Britain’s equalities watchdog that it will intervene in the outcry over the handling of A-level results after students from disadvantaged backgrounds appeared to be hit hardest under the government’s calculated marking system. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) told the paper it would consider all its powers “so that ethnic minority and disabled children are treated fairly”. Meanwhile, the front page also reports on a “historic” deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to establish full diplomatic ties, under which Israel would “suspend” its plans to annex parts of the Palestinian territories. But the Guardian says “cracks” have quickly appeared in the Washington brokered deal, after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there was “no change” to his annexation plans, while the UAE insisted Israel “immediately” halt those plans.

Guardian Front Page 27th of July 2024

Millions of public sector workers in the UK are anticipated to receive an above-inflation pay rise after a prolonged period of wage restraint, as Chancellor Rachel Reeves is expected to endorse the recommendations of pay review bodies.

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Guardian Front Page 25th of July 2024

Leading western nations are accelerating investments in new oil and gas projects, prompting criticism for undermining emission reduction commitments amid increasing predictions of significant future fossil fuel outputs.

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Guardian Front Page 24th of July 2024

Kamala Harris expressed strong confidence in her party’s ability to triumph in the upcoming election, vowing to focus on freedom and democratic principles while addressing issues such as gun violence and women’s rights.

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