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The Observer reports that police vetting procedures will be reviewed in the wake of Couzens’ conviction. And former Met commissioner Ian Blair has joined the calls for an independent inquiry into the murder and how Couzens was allowed to become an officer in the first place. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson has been warned by a group of Conservative MPs that he cannot make poorer parts of the UK more prosperous – “level up” the country – whilst simultaneously raising taxes for working people and slashing benefits. It comes as the prime minister arrived in Manchester ahead of the Tory party conference. MPs raising concerns include those who won seats from Labour’s “red wall” at the 2019 general election.

Independent on Sunday Front Page 23rd of June 2024

According to research by Techne UK, 40 per cent of young people aged between 18 and 34 and eligible to vote will not participate in the upcoming 4 July election, citing disillusionment with political parties and their handling of critical issues such as Brexit, housing, and tuition fees.

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