Newspaper Round Up: 10th of September 2021

Guardian Front Page 10th of September 2021

The Guardian leads with new research that says scrapping the £1,000-a-year boost to universal credit next month will result in mental illness and poorer health for thousands of people, and will hit the sickest areas of the UK hardest.

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Daily Mail Front Page 10th of September 2021

A senior coroner has warned that the inability of patients to see GPs face to face is contributing to deaths writes the Daily Mail. It reports Alison Mutch has presided over at least five inquests during the pandemic in which she says patients should have had better care.

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Daily Telegraph Front Page 10th of September 2021

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, one of the scientists behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab, says a mass booster programme is unnecessary because immunity to COVID from two vaccine doses is “lasting well” in the majority of people, reports The Daily Telegraph.

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