Times Front Page 13th of July 2020
Britons holidaying in Europe after Brexit will face higher costs for things such as travel insurance and using a mobile phone, reports The Times.
Britons holidaying in Europe after Brexit will face higher costs for things such as travel insurance and using a mobile phone, reports The Times.
The Daily Express reports on a £93m “publicity blitz” to prepare the UK for Brexit.
Jack Charlton’s brother has led calls for the football star to be knighted, according to the Daily Mirror.
Councils are likely to lose millions of pounds due to lost income from investments hit by the coronavirus – that’s on the front of The Guardian.
Jack Charlton’s brother has led calls for the football star to be knighted, according to the Daily Mirror.
The Daily Mail leads with what it says is new evidence of Beijing’s infiltration of Britain’s establishment.
Foreign criminals sentenced to more than a year in jail will be banned from Britain under new immigration rules, reports The Daily Telegraph.
The i reports on calls for a smoking ban for customers of pubs and cafes when they are drinking or dining outside.
Boris Johnson’s proposal for state aid will anger Scotland and Wales, according to a report in the Financial Times.
Clear Up The Mask Muddle – that’s on the front of Metro as mixed messages cause confusion for those returning to work.
The Independent reports on a government U-turn that will see foreign care workers given special visas so they can move to the UK to prevent staff shortages after Brexit.