Newspaper Round Up: 15th of July 2021

Times Front Page 15th of July 2021

The government’s guidance on bars continuing to use table service and face masks being worn in shops and while at work after 19 July has caused a backlash from businesses, who claim they are being left in “legal limbo”, according to The Times.

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Daily Mirror Front Page 15th of July 2021

The prime minister’s plan to remove the requirement for people to wear face masks on public transport is “in tatters” according to the Daily Mirror, which says six mayors have rebelled against Boris Johnson’s guidance.

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Guardian Front Page 15th of July 2021

The Guardian says scientists have confirmed for the first time the Amazon rainforest is emitting more carbon dioxide than it can absorb, with most of the emissions caused by fires deliberately set to clear land for beef and soy production.

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i Front Page 15th of July 2021

The i claims the prime minister’s Brexit jet, which was supposed to be used to promote the UK abroad, has only been used for one VIP flight since its £900,000 paint job and is mostly used to refuel an RAF fighter plane that is patrolling the North Sea.

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Metro Front Page 15th of July 2021

Metro claims the country is facing “mask chaos” after the government backed transport companies who overrule its own law change which allows people to not wear them in confined spaces from Monday. It added London mayor Sadiq Khan has insisted coverings would still be compulsory on buses and the Tube.

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