The Sunday Mirror reports that Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings was asked to leave after those in his faction nicknamed Boris Johnson’s fiancee Carrie Symonds “Princess Nut Nuts”.
The government’s advisory body on climate change has warned the prime minister he must act now and commit to a raft of environmental policies, according to The Independent.
The Sunday Telegraph reports that Downing Street sources have hit out at “vicious and cowardly” attacks on Boris Johnson’s fiancee Carrie Symonds following a series of briefings.
“Hold your nerve, Boris,” says the Sunday Express, as it writes that the prime minister has told MPs there will be “no backsliding on Brexit” after prominent Brexiteers were asked to leave Downing Street.
Boris Johnson’s new press chief was left in tears after she claimed she had received negative briefings against her by a former Downing Street official, according to The Observer.