Newspaper Round Up: 18th of August 2021

Times Front Page 18th of August 2021

Boris Johnson says Britain will take in 20,000 Afghan refugees in recognition of the “debt of gratitude” the country owes Afghanistan which is now under Taliban rule, writes The Times. The prime minister is setting up a dedicated scheme for those fleeing their homes, which will give them a safe and legal route to the UK.

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Independent Front Page 18th of August 2021

In a charm offensive, the Taliban has promised to give women in Afghanistan full rights under Sharia law and said they would not seek revenge against enemies, nor allow the country to be used to carry out terror attacks abroad, writes The Independent.

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Daily Mail Front Page 18th of August 2021

Terrified Afghan interpreters have been in hiding near Kabul airport – as dozens of others were airlifted to Britain, claims the Daily Mail. It reports the trapped translators said militant gunmen wanted to kill them before they could board RAF mercy flights.

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Daily Mirror Front Page 18th of August 2021

The Daily Mirror says the UK has pledged to take 20,000 Afghan refugees, but only 5,000 this year, which the paper says “just isn’t enough”. It pictures an Afghan girl cradling her little brother as their country “descends into hell” amid the Taliban takeover.

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Guardian Front Page 18th of August 2021

Women, children and religious minorities will be prioritised in a new UK resettlement scheme for 20,000 Afghan refugees, Boris Johnson says, acknowledging those who helped the western coalition over two decades are most at risk from the Taliban takeover, writes The Guardian.

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Daily Telegraph Front Page 18th of August 2021

Home Secretary Priti Patel is urging other European countries to offer sanctuary to Afghans as she announced Britain will grant asylum to 20,000 refugees, reports The Daily Telegraph. There are fears the number of Afghans fleeing the Taliban could lead to a new migrant crisis in Europe.

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