Times Front Page 1st of October 2020
The Times leads on a story about the processing of asylum seekers in the UK. It says one option under serious consideration is buying disused ferries to house people while applications are considered.
The Times leads on a story about the processing of asylum seekers in the UK. It says one option under serious consideration is buying disused ferries to house people while applications are considered.
A national lockdown is coming if the public are lax at following lockdown rules at a “critical time”, warns the Daily Express, as it reports on Boris Johnson’s news conference.
The Daily Star claims people are panic-buying Christmas puddings.
The Guardian also leads on the asylum seekers story and says Downing Street asked officials to look at sending people to Moldova, Morocco or Papua New Guinea for processing.
The Daily Telegraph leads on the prime minister’s insistence that the “only way” out of the coronavirus crisis is by sticking to restrictions to drive down cases.
Downing Street accepts the need for simpler coronavirus rules and is considering a new three-tier system, the i says.
The Financial Times says the prime minister “put the British public on notice” that more coronavirus restrictions might soon be needed when he appeared alongside his advisers on Wednesday.
Boris Johnson’s father is pictured shopping without a mask in the Daily Mirror, which quotes the 80-year-old as saying he was “maybe not 100% up to speed” on the rules.
Metro says Boris Johnson appealed for “calm” as he urged people to knuckle down and follow lockdown rules to get through the crisis.