Newspaper Round Up: 22nd of September 2021

Daily Mirror Front Page 22nd of September 2021

Millions of households face a devastating cost-of-living crisis that could last up to two years, the Daily Mirror claims. It says a perfect storm of rising inflation, National Insurance hikes, soaring energy bills, benefits cuts and the end of furlough will hit hard.

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Guardian Front Page 22nd of September 2021

The Guardian leads on the same story quoting a senior government source as saying: “There are a variety of different ways to do this. The question is whether the US administration is ready. The ball is in the US’s court. It takes two to tango.”

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Financial Times Front Page 22nd of September 2021

The International Energy Agency has urged Russia to send more gas to Europe to help alleviate the energy crisis, becoming the first major international body to address claims by traders and foreign officials that Moscow has restricted supplies, the Financial Times writes.

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