Britain is increasingly resigned to having to conclude its evacuation from Kabul by the end of the week, The Times says.
“Woke uni profs” want a warning on statues that are “too white”, the Daily Star reports.
The Daily Express leads with news that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will seek an extension to the 31 August deadline for foreign troops to be out of Afghanistan.
The Daily Mail leads with “yet another day of Kabul chaos”.
A person on the no-fly list has made it from Afghanistan to the UK, getting through checks to board a plane at Kabul’s airport, The Daily Telegraph reports.
The Guardian reports on the scramble to get people out of Afghanistan following a Taliban warning that foreign forces staying beyond the end of August would be crossing a “red line”.
The UK does not want to set a date for the last RAF flight out of Kabul for fear of worsening the panic, the i reports.
Metro leads with the approaching deadline for foreign troops to be out of Afghanistan.