Daily Mail Front Page 25th of March 2021
Boris Johnson has hinted that people may need a vaccine passport or proof of a negative COVID test to go to the pub, the Daily Mail reports.
Boris Johnson has hinted that people may need a vaccine passport or proof of a negative COVID test to go to the pub, the Daily Mail reports.
The UK and the EU have called a truce, after weeks of tensions over vaccine supplies, the Daily Mirror reports.
British and European diplomats are working to create a “win-win situation” amid a row over the export of vaccines, the i reports.
Tomorrow’s Daily Star leads with a story about a scientific study which suggests human penises are shrinking because of pollution.
The prime minister has urged the EU to rethink plans that could see vaccines prevented from being exported, the Daily Express reports.
The Guardian has an exclusive story about exclusion rates being six times higher for black Caribbean pupils.
The Guardian has an exclusive story about exclusion rates being six times higher for black Caribbean pupils.
Boris Johnson has indicated that pub landlords could ask for vaccine certificates in exchange for entry, tomorrow’s Daily Telegraph says.
Boris Johnson has said global businesses could be put off investing in Europe, as tensions rise over a possible ban on exports, the Metro reports.
The UK and the EU have vowed to work together on ensuring vaccine supplies after days of tension, tomorrow’s Financial Times reports.