Daily Star Front Page 30th of October 2021
The CIA has said renowned spoon bender Uri Geller has genuine powers and is “not a faker”, the Daily Star reports.
The CIA has said renowned spoon bender Uri Geller has genuine powers and is “not a faker”, the Daily Star reports.
Prince Charles said we need “critical change” to the way we live as he laid out a “radical vision of how we can combat climate change”, the Daily Express reports.
The Daily Mirror leads with the story about the Queen’s health concerns – as doctors have told her to rest for at least two weeks.
World leaders have been warned that the COP26 summit must “mark the beginning of the end of climate change” as last-minute talks take place that could help determine the future of the planet.
China appeared to “rebuff Boris Johnson’s pleas to do more on climate change” as the head of the United Nations warned the world is heading for catastrophe, The Times reports.
France’s prime minister has said Britain must be shown Brexit is “damaging” as he tries to get EU allies to “back a hard-line stance against London” in the row over fishing rights.
The Queen has been advised by doctors to cancel all public engagements and rest for at least two weeks, the Daily Mail reports.