The Times says there is a “growing revolt” over the end of free TV licences for over-75s as the BBC begins sending millions of letters to people who must now pay the annual £157.50 charge.
The i newspaper says its investigation has revealed “desperate” attempts by hospitals to source their own PPE after government supplies fell short.
The Daily Express says thousands of women could get large refunds after being shortchanged on their state pensions.
The sentences given to the killers of PC Andrew Harper have been sent to the attorney general to see if they are too lenient, reports the Daily Mirror.
Two-thirds of doctors say non-virus patients – such as those with cancer and diabetes – have suffered during lockdown, reports the Daily Mail.
Metro leads on an MPs’ report that says the spread of coronavirus was made significantly worse by the UK allowing thousands of people to fly in without checks and restrictions during the height of the pandemic.
Labour leader Keir Starmer is warning there’s a month to “fix” the test-and-trace system or there will be a “long bleak winter” as a second wave of infections arrives, reports The Guardian.
Pubs and clubs should shut if need be so that schools can reopen, says the children’s commissioner – that’s the lead in The Daily Telegraph.