Daily Express Front Page 7th of August 2023
The government is targeting landlords and bosses with steeper fines for assisting illegal migrants, according to the Daily Express.
The government is targeting landlords and bosses with steeper fines for assisting illegal migrants, according to the Daily Express.
A poll conducted by the Daily Mirror reveals that 74% of Brits back calls for tougher sentences for owners of dangerous and out-of-control dogs.
The Conservative party is considering Ascension Island as a place to send migrants who illegally enter Britain, 4,000 miles away from the UK, The Times reports.
According to The Guardian’s analysis, MPs have earned £10m from second jobs in the past year.
The Daily Telegraph states that businesses hiring illegal migrants could face tripled fines, amounting to up to £60,000 per illegal employee.
Ministers may fly illegal migrants to Ascension Island if plans to send them to Rwanda fail, reveals the Daily Mail.
Former Star Trek actor William Shatner’s dismissal of alien visits to Earth is contradicted by the Daily Star.
The i’s top story focuses on a secret UK lab working on vaccines for an unknown pathogen called “Disease X” to prevent potential bird flu pandemic.
Companies in Europe have directly lost at least €100bn due to the Ukraine war, with energy firms most affected, according to the Financial Times.
The Metro’s splash reports that Labour, like the government, would use barges to house migrants arriving in Britain if they win the next election.