Newspaper Round Up: 8th of June 2021

Times Front Page 8th of June 2021

The Times claims England’s roadmap for easing lockdown could be delayed by a fortnight with cabinet ministers increasingly pessimistic after a “downbeat” briefing from chief medical officer Chris Whitty and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance.

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Independent Front Page 8th of June 2021

The decision of US health officials to approve the first new drug for Alzheimer’s disease in nearly 20 years has been hailed as a “major milestone”, says The Independent. The paper pictures Artin Iran-Nejad whose body washed up on the Norwegian coast two months after he drowned in the Channel when a migrant boat capsized.

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Guardian Front Page 8th of June 2021

Boris Johnson set himself on a collision course with scores of his MPs as Number 10 suggested it would defy an order by Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle to bring a vote on foreign aid cuts, writes The Guardian.

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Daily Telegraph Front Page 8th of June 2021

Brussels will start a trade war with Britain if Boris Johnson overrides the Brexit treaty so Northern Irish shops can keep selling British sausages, a vice-president of the European Commission has warned, according to The Daily Telegraph.

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