Leading the Daily Express is a story about the “end of free banking” moving closer as HSBC warns of the possible introduction of monthly account charges.
The Times writes that the Prime Minister’s food tsar believes the government has a “moral obligation” to feed hungry children as he announced plans for a £1.2 billion programme to help those in need.
“Tragedy in the Channel” headlines The Daily Mail, after two children and two adults died in rough waters while attempting to reach the UK.Read more on this story here.
Splashed on The Guardian are calls for a second nationwide lockdown as coronavirus deaths pass 60,000.Read more on this story here.
The Daily Telegraph reports that Downing Street is working on the assumption that the second wave of COVID-19 will be more deadly than the first as infections are expected to remain high over the winter.Read more on this story here.
The Metro reports that parents of children struggling to eat have been told by a conservative council leader to shop at Marks and Spencer.
The Financial Times leads with two of the biggest banks – HSBC and Santander – declaring the worst of the economic damage from COVID-19 is behind them.